So yea me and johan last night created this awesome give out to whenever u find a target. find a new gurl. So this form will be given out to them.
2.Gender: (if male ur questionaires stops here)
4.Status: Single/Married/Opposite of Single
5.Do u club:Yes/No
6.Do u drink:Yes/No
7.Do u dirty dance wif guys when ure drunk: Yes/No (if yes ur questionaire stops here)
8.Are u crazy about going clubbing: yes/No (if yes ur questionaires stops here)
9.Are u the only child: yes/No (if yes again ur questionaires stops here)
10.Do u hug or let other guys hold u when ur bf is near?: Yes/ No (if yes again ur questionaires stops here)
11.Have u been in a relationship before?: Yes/No
12.How many ex boyfrens u have:
13.Have u took some of them as a rebound before? Yes/No (if yes pls burn this paper)
14.Have u ever love 2 guys at a time?
15.Do u mean half of the things u said? yes/No
16.If yes how do u explain all gurls sometimes dont mean wat they said and forgets:
17.Would u believe ur boyfren or ur frens more: (not depending on situation...on overall)
18.Would u just simply walk away from ur boyfren: Yes/No
19. When people say sumthing about u. do u say stuff like u Don't noe me at all and dont judge me?: yes/No (if yes pls eat this piece of paper)
20. Are u from Stella maris? :P (ok this is pure random but i just hate stella maris ppl altho i was. i mean PUURE stella maris ppl :P:P:P- Randomnessss)
lolz...quite free loh yesterday..make such forms. then johan saw the gurl he liked in mcdonald. she got bf d. he dam upset. couldnt finish his burger. then i chill wif him until like 11 sumthing. and now i have to study history. and hopefully i dun fall asleep. If i do i wanna see her in my dreams.