woo..finally....finish all my projects d...for this week at least-.-.. sigh...next week got quiz and history test...haih..no time to sleep somemore...somemore i'm broke-.-. Used my last money to buy ciggrates. aiks. now my wallet got erm. 13 cents. dunno where i got the 3 cents from. anyway...i noe how to put pictures d but today i wont pictures i will put some "important" information for all ladies. :). i wont say hu send this little "information" to me cuz its kinda private :]..hehe...learn a lil bit of knowledge....so anyway...check it out. and lastly, dont read it if ure under 18. :)
yea a bit random here....but just look at this....funny rite...i mean just stare at his face for 30 seconds....or maybe more...i'm sure u will laugh
12 Orgasm Tips 1. Work on your pelvic floor muscles
Prepare for multitudes of earth-shattering orgasms by whipping your PC muscles into shape. To know what and where they are, next time you're on the loo, try stopping yourself peeing mid-flow. The muscles you clench up to stop yourself urinating are the PC muscles. The best bit about getting them fit and healthy is that you don't need to don footless tights and haul yourself to the gym – you can exercise them by clenching and unclenching them several times during a day. Spend a couple of weeks 'working out' and you'll find yourself having more, and better, orgasms
2. Relax
It sounds obvious, but you're unlikely to have a great orgasm if you're tense or stressed out. Light candles, have a bath, or go for a tension-busting walk and your chances of reaching orgasm are instantly increased. Just remember to avoid alcohol, which can numb the nerve endings in your vagina and make orgasm more difficult
3. Give your man a helping hand
Give yourself an orgasm head start by masturbating before you have sex. Some women find their pubic mound, nipples or inner thigh particularly sensitive... explore your own body and work out what works for you. Stroke, rub and caress yourself for a few minutes before your partner does and prepare for the Big O!
4. Get on top An oldie but a goodie!
Straddling your man means that you can take control of how fast, slow, or deep you want it, and watching him watch you can be a real turn-on as well. Position yourself on top of him and wiggle around a little so that your clitoris is in direct contact with his body, and try rotating your hips in slow circles to achieve an amazing orgasm
5. Have sex during your period (
If you feel the yuck-factor is too high on this one, wait until your menstrual flow is at its lowest – towards the end of your period – to minimise the 'I've been shot where it hurts' look for your bloke. All the abdominal muscles and nerve endings are at their most sensitive during your period, which can make for some pretty explosive orgasms. And as a bonus, sex is a sure-fire painkiller if you're prone to nasty cramps
6. Try a variation on the doggy position
If he's especially well-endowed, try lying face down on a firm surface and have him enter you from behind. If you raise your hips a fraction and slip either yours, or his hand in underneath your body, you (or he) can stimulate your clitoris at the same time. This variation on doggy-style combines pressure from the front and the back and it feels pretty damn good!
7. Use lubricant
Sex can sometimes be less comfortable or enjoyable when your vagina is dry. This can happen at the beginning or end of your cycle, or if you've just removed a tampon to have sex. However, a touch of dryness can be easily remedied with one of the many lubrication products available on the market. Lube is also a great orgasm aid – a drop or two applied to the vaginal entrance will make sex more sensual for both or you, and with a bit of luck, more orgasmic
8. Try using a vibrator
Use a vibrator either on your own or with your partner – to achieve orgasm. Have your bloke sit on his knees (so that he can balance) and penetrate you while simultaneously stimulating your clitoris with a vibrator. It feels amazing...
9. Indulge in some oral pleasure
Most men don't need any encouragement to head downstairs - oral sex can be just as pleasurable for the man performing it as it is for the women receiving it. Encourage your bloke to gently lick, suck or nibble on your clitoris – whatever feels great – and then ask him to insert one or two fingers into your vagina so that he can stroke the very sensitive inner wall (where the g-spot is often located). Some women also find that having their perineum licked or a short-nailed finger inserted into their anus results in great orgasms
10. Invest in some adult entertainment
Ask a female staff member at your closest sex store to recommend a film that is especially erotic for women, and try watching it with your partner. You'll soon stop feeling freaked out at the sight of other people getting it on, and start encouraging your bloke to replicate some of the moves you're seeing on screen. Orgasms... here we come!
11. The modified missionary position
You don't need any fancy equipment for this orgasm booster... Lie on your back and put your legs over your partner's shoulders. Lifting your legs like this allows for easier clitoral contact and is also a goodie for stimulation of the g-spot. This position is practically orgasm-guaranteed
12. Stop worrying!
Many women fear that they are taking too long to orgasm or that their blokes get bored of the repetitive motions that are sometimes required for a woman to come. The more you fret, the more likely you are to fake... and that's not good for anybody. Enjoy all the sensations of sex and don't be concerned if you don't always orgasm – sex can be just as pleasurable for both parties without orgasms
So yea...here are good tips for intimate couples....yep yep....to have a really good pleasuring time for both sides :) :).... this isnt a porn site...its just good knowledge.. :)...tee hee tee hee