Then after that i went ac in the afternoon after my class. Was waiting for kevin and benji and johan. But johan i think he went for prayers. Couldnt call them actually. Both my phones battery were dead. Lawlz. Feel dam dam dam dam so lost . Carrying two phones. Look so yeng but, Haih no battery. So oh well. Was thinking should i call her? should i see her. shes having her break during dat time. Was scared to see her. Scared. Scared i couldnt hold myself. Scared she don't wanna see me. Scared i'll miss her alot. So kept thinking if i should call her until, her break was over. then aahh...shit. Think too long. Went back at 4.30.
Went home sleep a while. Then 9.00 went out fetch kevin and off to ac. Theres foosball tournament. So went and see the pros play. I feel a big fat loser. -_- then come to think about it. these people sure no life wan. Everyday foos non stop until geng. Then again kinda feel proud :].i have lifeee. then went down makan makan. then went back upstairs.
She msged me, ask me where am i and all. She was in taylors college Hall. It was taylors Night. Then she say she might be going clubbing after that. And a dude say shes his responsibility. lawlz. Go clubbing. He might get really tipsy and theres road block. Its dangerous. So i offered her a ride. Offered if theres anything she could call me. I'll fetch her home. So yea i did. Saw her. Didnt dare to look at her for long. Scared that i might miss her too much. But shes moving on now, Shes letting it go. So it doesnt matter. I'll just keep how i feel to myself. so yea shes safe and sound. And i'm glad. Well at least she had lots of fun there, i'm pretty sure. Dancing and all. After all the stress shes been having, one night to have fun and relax. Thats good. :) . So then went back to ac. it was 12 already. And where teh fuck is Vincent. We came all the way here to drink wif him and now hes late. haha
Then a while later he came, and chill a while up stairs and off to drinking session. We didnt have liquor tho. kinda dumb tho. We have money to buy 4 buckets of beer and theres 5 of us but dont have money to buy liquor bottle -.- I noe a place in hartamas sell cheap liquors-_-. but oh well beer will do. Gassy drink. Each bucket 6 tiger beers. 5 of us. We're drinking as tho we're drinking water. Then a few kakis came in brought chivas =D. but i didnt drink that. I'm driving =D. Aku ni citizen baik. Ku tak drink and drive. Then it started to rain dam heavy. I was all wet. Kevin and me-_- cuz we were sitting a lil bit outside. Benji really wanna get drunk during dat night. Keep shoving me with drinks. Downing every dam bottle. He drank until he loss lil bit of his balance. haha dam funny but hes not drunk yet tho. Just tipsy. And kevin, he drink until he cant hold his ciggrate >.<. Oh then, the whole day in AC, from afternoon i was there then later at night i came until i was drinking downstairs, until i left. MTV is trying to kill me and kevin-_- Keep playing our emo songs. Haha. Funny was in the afternoon, MTV was playing The Kill - 30 seconds to mars. Then Kevin say this is now his top emo song. Then i asked how about the It ends tonight - All american Rejects. Also his emo song but not top. So then after "The Kill" song. They played It ends tonight -.- then we looked at each other and laugh.haha.emo sial. Emo lah ni...
So basically i had 8 hours of sleep -_-. Not enough. My eyes still tired. shes in taylors now. Doing her orphanage thing. Haha...playing puppets and all. haha. Coolez. ok nvm i shall post 1 picture here. My favourite picture.
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